Archive for November 10th, 2010
Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
So it turns out cats and dogs can play together pretty easily with a few winches around in the middle of nowhere…The tow weekend in Moab, UT planned by C. Santacroce was a full on success! 15 or so paraglider pilots showed as well as one hang glider pilot and a bunch of base jumpers…and a good time had by all. The weather was absolutely beautiful and allowed us to tow from the early hours of the morning till sunset which is somewhat unheard of in southern Utah. When all was said and done we had done over 30 payout tows with a handful of step tows thrown in by paying out in one direction on the road and then using the stationary side of the winch momentarily to take up the slack and boost the pilot up at the end of the road before turning around and heading back the opposite direction on payout again. I’d be surprised if we had a tow under 3500′ AGL. Needless to say, the views were pretty amazing. Hopefully we can make this PG and HG gathering together a trend eh? The following photos are courtesy of our buddy Kristjan Morgan. Thanks Kristjan!
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